2022 October's round up!


2 new games for you this month!

School? Run!

Made with students from Lisneal secondary school.
Ever wanted to see directly into the imagination of a teenager? Well here is your chance - don’t say you weren’t warned!
School, eh? Just not enough time to day dream, that’s the problem. And if you don’t get time to day dream, then how are you ever going to come up with an idea for an amazing world changing computer game? Actually, maybe it’s just as well - as this amazing computer game becomes sentient and starts to mess with the time space continuum.
It’s up to you to defeat it! And try not to get in trouble with the teachers.
Full of charm and warmth, with graphics, animations and elements of the programming done by the students.
We hope you enjoy it!


Milo Ferris
Dylan McCauley
Matthew Taylor
Abbey Rob
Reece McCombe
John Cooke
Chad McKnight
Bobby McGowan
Cameron Allen

With thanks to Karen McAvoy, Enterprise NW and Atlantic Social Lab


We gave you a sneak preview of this last month - and now you can play it in all its glory!

Made with Dillon and Caolan and Bud Club Juniors

The one screen playable demo they made is now finished, and can be played here. Watch out for the bats!


A = left
D = right
W / Space = jump
Enter = Throw staff

Girls Make Games intermediate

We had Garage Band specialist Jen Aicken deliver a workshop to the students this month, which was brilliant. The girls worked on their music to accompany the rampaging potato - here’s a sample of them (I made some absolute BANGERS reminiscent of the golden days of 2 Unlimited, and even after I demonstrated my old skool rave moves, the students remained resolutely unimpressed).

We have also been working on animating the destruction of objects (after being hit by a rampaging potato) - so looking at starting and stopping animations along with collisions.

Girls Make Games Advanced

This month the advanced students have been working on their platformer level, including changing sprites when hit to show damage. They have also been working on all the graphics needed to finish their game - including designing a vehicle to transport Masta Fishy and his friend Starry the starfish over land (all will become clear when the game is out). This is Jennifer’s hilarious and terrifying result.

There must have been something spooky in the air that class, as we can see poor Fiona was terrorized by some sort of malevolent creature (definitely not Eirinn in a mask)

Hypixel photoshoot

Caroline and I popped over to see our friends Holly Johnstone (talent acquisition lead and women in games ambassador), Sean McCafferty (COO) and Mixy (a very good girl and Holly’s dog) at Hypixel.
Hypixel have been great friends to us, and have supported our GMG classes in lots of ways - donations, competitions and site visits to name a few. So a big thank you to them!
We took a couple of pics for our upcoming press release about January's new Girls Make Games classes in Belfast and Derry. Unfortunately, as you can see I managed to offend Mixy in some manner.

Katherine Rowlandson